Monday, October 19, 2009

Oct 20, 2009

Wow I have some exciting news! I just finished a quilt therapy project.... Pictures to be posted when I get Hubbie to do the teckie work. Queen Bling the name of the project was started 6 months after my son started taking the hormones.... What a hard time that was! We were living hundreds of miles apart and only saw each other at 4 month intervals and the changes were amazing....It was hard enough to hear the voice deepening on the phone but to see your daughter almost son with full facial hair is something all together different, Yikes! I would retreat to my bed where I could hide under the covers and know this too shall pass. Little did I know on one Occasion my Sweet son would be a dead ringer for Abraham Lincoln full beard and all... I can laugh now, but at the time I could barley seen Thur all the tears.

Oh yes, I got off the subject which happens a lot once you hit 50+
I am going back about 2 years now.... In one of my therapy sessions (remember St George, yes he is still around) He told me I had constructed a shrine to my kid! And as hard as it was for me to agree he was right(gosh I hate when they are right) I ran around the house like the crazy person we already know I am and removed everything including almost all people of my baby girl. When I placed everything in the box there were two items I could not part with. My daughters pink leather baby shoes and a petticoat worn to her birthday. This would be become the jump off point for the quilt! Yes it is 3-d and the shoes and petticoat are a main part of the design she is almost 6 feet tall and 4 feet wide and simply BEAUTIFUL! It was my way of saying good by to my daughter and hello to my new gorgeous son! I worked on the project day and night for a year and a half and yes I was obsessed! I am hoping to enter her in some quilt shows and a quilting magazine so her story can be told!

I am excited for my son to view my treasure as it is a gift to him! This blog is a gift to us both.... I being the Jewish Mother I am life is not so easy with me. I come equipped with foot in mouth disease along with other nagging ways... It really is the good bad and the ugly!

I am pleased to hear that my sweet baby boy has passed this info on to members of his trans man group and I welcome you all with open arms and a bowl of matzo ball soup! Please read and understand what it must be like for your moms. The best thing I have learned recently is as hard as this journey has been for me I can only imagine how hard it is for all of you.... I am awed by the courage it takes.... I wish I knew then how much courage it took for my baby to tell me in that mountain cabin, and I wish I could of just hugged him and we could of taken the journey together.... I will regret that for the rest of my life! Oy the things I wish I could have a do over on! Oh no the tears are flooding my desk right now, time to go buy stock in Kleenex!
Until we meet again....


  1. Thanks so much for sharing this. It's heartening to hear about a mom facing her son's transition with so much love and care.

    Cris (trans guy from Oregon)

  2. Thanks for this blog! I thought you might be interested in a book by another Jewish mom and her FTM son. It's called What Becomes You:,673156.aspx

  3. Thank-you for sharing your experiencinces. It really is nice to read from such an understanding mom and to hear the story from a parents point of view. I just came out to my family and everyone so far seems to be supportive. If you don't mind I would like to share your blog with my family. I think it would help them.


  4. I love that you are honoring your son with such meaningful art. It is truly a beautiful quilt.

    My best friend starting taking T less than 2 months ago, and we are collaborating on a couple of creative projects to mark the changes. I am photographing him once a week and will be putting them together into a slide show so that we can watch the structure of his face change. Also we are doing "before and after" plaster castings of his torso.

    The trans world is not new to me... I know several people who are FTM and MTF, but this is the first time I get to be witness to and a supportive friend to someone while they are going through the process. And I have to say that it is an honor.

    I am glad that you are determined to overcome your own feelings in order to be supportive and loving to your son. Thank you for sharing your story.
